My father Sets Virginia State Bench Press Record

My father recently just broke the Virginia State record for his age group and in 1993 my father benched more weight than anyone in the entire East Coast. He was crowned "beast of the east".
My pops turned 72 in September, and is still chasing that dream to not be the strongest in the East, but in the world. You never know your limits till you push yourself to them. Each day you wake up, you have an opportunity, to challenge yourself to be the best. Whether this post makes you begin Day #1 or your en route to a challenge. Team OCR,Opportunity. Challenge. Results

Quoted in the Arlington Sun Gazette Newspaper

72 year old Arlington Man sets Virginia Bench Press Record

Lloyd O. Pierson, 72, of Arlington, Virginia, set a Virginia Bench Press Record this past weekend during the Mid Atlantic Regional Raw Powerlifting meet in Zions Crossroads, which is near Charlottesville.  Pierson lifted a total of 242.5 lbs and established the record in his weight/age group.  His lift was very close (8.5 lbs.) to the world record.  Raw Powerlifting is an international Powerlifting organization in which lifters are drug free and do not use any assisted apparel to help in the lift.  Pierson has been a competitive lifter for over 50 years.

Training outside!

Training in the gym can get repetitive, and also running on the treadmill can get boring. Take your talents outside. Work hard and enjoy some vitamin D, its Summer.


If you really want to lose weight, you have to stick with your plan. I see many people get distracted and stop their programs. You have to find your motivation and draw strength from that when you get down or have negative thoughts. You have to stay motivated to achieve what you want. This is an OPPORTUNITY to change you! Believe in yourself, and MAKE IT HAPPEN!!!

 @GPZY17 #TeamOCR


MONDAY MORNING! Nothing changes if nothing changes. Think about it. You have to be the one to make the first step. Don’t ever think you are alone through a struggle. There are always going to be people there to help you guide through anything. But at the end of the day it’s you against yourself. Have a wonderful day everyone, and MAKE IT COUNT #TeamOCR



Exactly one year ago I was sitting in my brother’s house in Dallas, Texas, hung-over, unemployed and weighing in at 245 lbs with 19.9% body fat. I had a goal, and my goal was to lose 50 pounds in one year. Today I weigh 180 pounds, and my life has changed.  I looked myself in the mirror and told myself I needed a change, and needed a change quick. Being healthier has made me who I am today, as a personal trainer, a boot camp instructor, and someone who has trained professional athletes around the world. Weightloss can happen!!! If you need advice, please feel free to messege me.

Have a safe Fourth of July!!! 

#TeamOCR @GPZY17

Follow me on twitter @GPZY17

Breakfast of champions

Mornings can be very distracting, but being prepared in days advance can help you have a healthier lifestyle. As most of you have heard breakfast breeds champions. Smart start your day and make sure you eat breakfast. DONT HAVE EXCUSES, that you have a lack of time. Sleeping in 5 more minutes, does not over justice having a healthier lifestyle. Enjoy your day, eat breakfast and MAKE TODAY COUNT! Thanks

George Pierson

Fitness: Make it your hobby!!

In July I hit a low...Unemployed, 1200 miles away from home, little money, and overweight.

But today after work I decided fitness, and being a personal trainer has changed my life. I wanted to write a little about Fitness, and to address some thoughts and maybe get people more motivated. If you haven't read my first blog post, on July 4th I was 243 lbs, hungover, out of money and 19% body fat. As I sit here after having a solid week I want to tell you fitness can be a hobby.
Day #1, does not come easy, but with progressing and loving every moment of it can bring you happiness, bring you life changing memories. If you need help, if you need training, I will help you. Fitness, has become my life. If you want guidance, let me know. As a trainer, if I'm not helping out the person next to me than I am not doing my job. Three words I tweet, and say regularly.
Tweet me @GPZY17 #TEAMOCR

Make a commitment...and challenge yourself.

Thank you,

George Pierson
Certified Personal Trainer

Dear America

Dear America, look within and reflect!

As a nation, we are going thru some hard times. Life can be rough, life can change at a split second, but life can also change your life. Our government might not be your exact votal call but our government is the government OUR NATION voted for. Together we are the United States of America. Together we will rebuild. Together our Nation has to dig deep, wake up and continue working hard to make the world we live in a place we will never ever forget.  


My philosophy is training body movements, not body parts. Couple that with eating right, and you will be able to visibly see results. Focus on it daily and challenge yourself everyday!!!

Follow me on twitter/IG @GPZY17.


Making the COMMITMENT is the hardest part. From the first day, you set a goal. That the first day you should be able to step on the scale and weigh 5 pounds less, right?
Wrong...But when you eat right, continue your diet, continue training you see results. If you follow me on twitter you will see three things I post regulary. OPPORTUNITY. CHALLENGE. RESULTS. 3 words that I continue to live by....

Look in the mirror and ask yourself can today be the difference...can I #MakeItCount.

So, today I CHALLENGE you!!!

2013 30 Day Challenge

 If you are a new to this blog, WELCOME. If you have read my previous story welcome back.
Now, it's time to get started...again!!!

 SET YOUR GOALS, SET YOUR WEIGHT LOSS GOALS, and write down every thing you eat, drink and write down exactly what you do for your workout. 

DAY #1 Your first cardio workout. How can you CHALLENGE yourself from the start.
Keep track of your progress. When you reach a goal, KEEP PUSHING!
                             OPPORTUNITY. CHALLENGE. RESULTS

Day #1 191 10% Body Fat

Post 4 Month

Veterns Day! First of all, THANK YOU TO THOSE SERVING, past or present. I train a Marine, and no other client of mine works harder, listens better then he does. Thank YOU!

Post 4 month Challenge!
In this slogan Opportunity. Challenge. Results it goes further and further on exactly how hard you want to change. How hard can you CHALLENGE, you to be the BEST YOU!

Weigh in : Thanksgiving morning" 199 pounds

5 Month Challenge

Day 1 was not easy, but it had to be done. Challenge yourself to be the best you.

Opportunity. Challenge. Results.


I began my journey as a kicker/punter for Kansas State University in Manhattan, KS. While playing against some of the best teams in the country I was also getting into the best shape of my life – well what I believed to be the best of my life. Following my graduation I began to play professionally in the Indoor Football League in Nebraska. After my indoor season ended in June, I weighed-in at 233 pounds and 19% body fat, which was the heaviest I had ever been. Even though I was competing at a professional level, I was not conscious of my nutrition and went through the motions in the weight room. As I packed my car, I was not sure what exactly I was going to do - unemployed, little money, but a full tank of gas. I subsequently took four weeks off to travel around the country visiting friends and enjoying life, which only contributed to my unhealthy habits. On the morning of July 4th it finally hit me, that I needed a change, and needed a change quick. If I was going to continue playing football and start a professional life I needed to do something. I challenged myself that I would never feel and look like this ever again. I was determined, and knew I had to challenge myself to lose weight and be a better son, brother, friend, and most definitely the best me I could be.
During my college and professional training I have tried almost every protein and meal supplements that are available, but one particular supplement always stood out – Herbalife.
Since I began my transformation on July 4th I began following a strict diet, working out, and most importantly including Herbalife in my supplementation routine. As of today I weigh 200 pounds, and I’m at 9.9% body fat. Also, my bench press has increased almost 30 pounds and, my max repetitions of 225, has doubled from my NFL Combine in May 2010. Herbalife has helped me focus and inspire my clients to do the same. I knew this journey would be challenge, but it has been an opportunity that has changed my life.

I would like to thank Herbalife and also challenge those that read my story to never give up and to challenge yourself to be the best you that you can be. I will continue to live, as well as help others live, a healthy and productive lifestyle.

Thank you.
George Pierson

9/5/12- 60 Days.

After 2 Months since I started my challenge I have never felt better. Ive lost 30 pounds and I can bench 225 more than I did at my college combine.

My motivation. I didn't make it to the NFL out of K State. My 2 roomates did. At that time, they were working hard, I wanted to party.
 This is my story. My story that changed my life.

Day #18

Still training with kicking. Here Im on the 40 yard line so a 50 yard kick and hit the poll that splits the uprights.

Day #17- July 25th

As all planned eating and drinking everything healthy for 17 days are very rewarding. I came in weighing 225. Today I weighed in at 214, and  ran a mile under 6 minutes. After running, I finished off with a Pull Up Push up workout.

Day #12

Keep on Keeping on. Weighed in at 225. This morning I weighed 216

Day #11

Other men will hate on other men working hard...believe me respect those who work hard!! Compete against the guy in the mirror...not your competition.

Day #10- Happy Birthday President Mandela

Nelson Mandela proves that what you can conceive you can achieve. And hes not just an icon to SA but to the rest of the world. #NelsonMandelaDay

Day #9

Everything is possible if you believe. And it starts with the man in the mirror. Because if you don't....NOONE WILL

Day #8- July 16th

36% Complete of the 25 day challenge. Weight loss starts in the kitchen! DO WHATS RIGHT TO PASS.

Day #7

After the AFAA Class I learned A LOT of information in a 3 day 8 am to 6 pm class. But it was well worth it. I learned that more than half of our world is obese. Physical Fitness is something where you have to have a goal. And yes...SOMETIMES YOU GOTTA MAKE YOUR OWN DESTINY.

Day #6- Personal Training Certificate Exam

Yes you have your entire life to do something, but life isn't long. What you do now is for your kids, for your family and most importantly for the guy standing across from the mirror.
AFAA Personal Training Certificate exam tomorrow at 8 am.

Day #5

Yesterday I wrote about being prepared. I blended my shake, ran 3 miles, worked out, Bennie Bonez thanks for working out with me my man, had my Herbalife Healthy Meal for lunch...etc etc than spent all day planning for my 22 hour workshop this weekend. This workshop would prepare me for another opportunity, to be a PERSONAL TRAINER. 20% Done!!!

Off to Quantico, VA for my Personal Trainer Certification workshop!!

Day #4

Playing football at Kansas State was a privilege. When I was at K State I wanted everything to be easy and did not wish that the workout would better me. I had problems, I felt prepared, but wasn't. Prepare yourself  to "better yourself"!

Day #3

Like I said on my twitter account (@GPZY17) If you got an 8% on an exam would you be happy? If I quit now why would I ever believe in myself...DAY #3 #DEDICATED

We all wake up in the morning sore as can be, it has happened. But the best thing to do is stretch. If you are working in a cubicle, take time to stretch. Believe in yourself, and MAKE IT HAPPEN!!!

Day #2

Day #2

If you really want to lose weight, you have to stick with your plan. I see many people get distracted and stop their programs. You have to find your motivation and draw strength from that when you get down or have negative thoughts. You have to stay motivated to achieve what you want. This is an OPPORTUNITY to change you!

July 9th 2012 - 25 Day Challenge

My IFL season ended two weeks ago and since then I have been enjoying life and eating and drinking everything.  After consuming many burgers and beers I headed to Dallas to continue the party.  On July 4th I was sitting on the couch feeling tired and unhealthy, and I realized I had to do something.  During the season I tried different protein and meal supplements, but one supplement in particular stood out, Herbalife.  Herbalife is a worldwide nutrition, weight loss and skincare company that focuses on helping clients meet their specific goals.  
My goal is that I have decided to give up my unhealthy habits and stay on a strict workout and supplement regiment for 25 days.  I will track my progress daily and report back at the end of the month.  I encourage everyone to try something similar and BE THE BEST YOU!