Showing posts with label kansas state. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kansas state. Show all posts


My philosophy is training body movements, not body parts. Couple that with eating right, and you will be able to visibly see results. Focus on it daily and challenge yourself everyday!!!

Follow me on twitter/IG @GPZY17.

2013 30 Day Challenge

 If you are a new to this blog, WELCOME. If you have read my previous story welcome back.
Now, it's time to get started...again!!!

 SET YOUR GOALS, SET YOUR WEIGHT LOSS GOALS, and write down every thing you eat, drink and write down exactly what you do for your workout. 

DAY #1 Your first cardio workout. How can you CHALLENGE yourself from the start.
Keep track of your progress. When you reach a goal, KEEP PUSHING!
                             OPPORTUNITY. CHALLENGE. RESULTS

Day #1 191 10% Body Fat

Post 4 Month

Veterns Day! First of all, THANK YOU TO THOSE SERVING, past or present. I train a Marine, and no other client of mine works harder, listens better then he does. Thank YOU!

Post 4 month Challenge!
In this slogan Opportunity. Challenge. Results it goes further and further on exactly how hard you want to change. How hard can you CHALLENGE, you to be the BEST YOU!

Weigh in : Thanksgiving morning" 199 pounds

5 Month Challenge

Day 1 was not easy, but it had to be done. Challenge yourself to be the best you.

Opportunity. Challenge. Results.